3 Kommentare
Kommentar von: JT

Love this app and if you ask me points straight to the future of electronic art… Will you please enable animating and flowing or fluidity including fading of the “painting"/graphics. Not a programmer but I hear there are lots of ways to do this, that is stretcht the image…Most of all…enable video capture or at least storing of animations!!! Great stuff here. Thanks!
14.02.13 @ 02:13
Kommentar von: admin

Hi JT,
thanks for your feedback! At the moment updates to “Aurora” are on hold since I urgently have to bring “Discovery” forward.
I will get back to “Aurora” later this year and will merge your requests with those of others.
16.02.13 @ 10:39

Do you think you will be able to get mobs on discovery and flowing water???
06.06.13 @ 17:14