« Trailer for DiscoveryAuroris Version 1.3 submitted for verification »

4 Kommentare

Kommentar von: sc

your game is bravo. i think it would be better if crafting things is added

12.04.12 @ 11:35
Kommentar von:

hi sc. at the moment our main target is that the engine is working rock-solid bug free and smoothly. besides that we’d like to concentrate first on the creative mode (world-sharing, voting-system, multiplayer, etc.). so crafting is not a thing to expect in the very near future. sry!

13.04.12 @ 17:31
Kommentar von: ben

The game is awesome:))

I’m wondering if there will be monsters or weapons in the game in the future

14.04.12 @ 16:00
Kommentar von:

thank you ben. maybe we’ll add some “mobs” in the future.

14.04.12 @ 21:30