Disappearing worlds after update

Mai 6th, 2014

Hi, as many of you may have noticed, your worlds are missing after updateing from 1.6. to 1.7. There's a small bug in there. The worlds should reappear after restart of the app.

Discovery - Android and Amazon

April 29th, 2014 has been submitted for Amazon and Android.

Should be available instantly for Google Play users and in a few days for Amazon Kindle users.

Discovery available for Mac OSX (10.6.6 or greater)

April 5th, 2014

Good news for all Mac users. Discovery is now available in the Mac Asppstore. It is the newest version You'll find it by clicking on the badge below

Discovery - what's new?

April 1st, 2014
Discovery - what's new?

First of all sorry for the long waiting time. I have rewritten a lot of code in order support the Mac OSX platform. Still the engine is in an intermediate state of change. Unfortunately code rework most times doesn't bring any new features. Also I didn't want to do to many things at once.

For we decided to refine and extend the materials, because a lot of people asked to have more variety in the game. Above you can see a collection of new materials now available. Furthermore we have slightly tweaked the textures of some existing materials and adapted the terrain generation to support the new tree types.

I have also worked on the data loss bugs and made some fundamental changes which I hope finally resolve the biggest problems there. You can also now delete backuped world files which helps to  clean up the recovery system.

In the coming days I will do some porting work to push through the platform pipeline and start on the next version ASAP.

Mac OS X release

April 1st, 2014

Good news for anyone owning a Mac and wanting to play Discovery on it. I have just submitted it for review to Apple. If they don't find any issues it will be available until end of the week.

The Mac version will be the first version that gets which I'll be talking about in a different entry.


März 27th, 2014
Hi! There will be a release of Discovery soon

Flappy Flying Pig

Februar 14th, 2014

Get Flappy Flying Pig here:

Cert passed. Should be available soon!

Januar 8th, 2014


New Windows Phone version submitted!

Januar 6th, 2014

Version has just been submitted for certification and should fix the install/update issues on Windows Phone 8.

Thanks to the people that informed me about the issues!

Update/Install issues 2

Januar 5th, 2014

Hi everyone.

Unfortunately there seems an install/update problem with Discovery on Windows Phone 8. It has passed certification (at Microsoft) so I thought that everything would be fine. I have myself tested it now on Lumia 710 (Windows Phone 7.5) where it works flawlessly and on my Ativ S (Windows Phone 8) where it didn't updated/reinstalled.

I'm taking this serious and will try to fix the problem ASAP!

Update/Install issues

Dezember 27th, 2013

Because since the first days of Discovery some people are having trouble with purchasing/installing/updating/starting it, I will describe the most common solutions to the problem.

First of all: All these issues are UNRELATED to Discovery itself. All store platforms tes each version of Discovery for a minimum of compliance, especially installation/updating. So to make sure: I can't do anything against, if a purchase/install/update doesn't work correctly.

But... there's light at the end of the tunnel. 90% of the people that that write me an email complaining about the above issues also find a way to fix their problems without me. So here we go:


If you have bought an app in any of the stores, and the money transfer aka. "transaction" is done (you will most probably receive an email), the app is bound to your account. PERIOD! That means you can uninstall/install/reinstall as often as you want. What may confuse you is that -on reinstall- some stores still display a price tag. But if you continue in the order process the amount you will be charged will be set to zero. To be precise: It is not possible to buy an app twice (aka. 2x) with the same account on the same store, without having refunded it. If for some reason you're charged twice you have to contact the store provider (Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft) to solve the problem. I can't do anything because all payment/app delivery is being done on their side.


Sometimes the installation does not succeed. The most simple solution solution is to reboot/restart your device, to kill hanging store processes.


If Discovery doesn't start, please try first reboot-/restarting your device. If that doesn't help try uninstall->install (loss of data)


If the game for some reason doesn't react anymore and you can't get back into the game anymore, try killing the process of the app (please google how to end processes on your device). If you don't know how to do it, reboot the device by turning it off/on.


I hope this solves most of the problems and you can enjoy the game!




Dezember 22nd, 2013

The update to brings all platforms to feature parity except of the cloud backup/sharing system which is still Windows Phone 7/8 exclusive

Added Features:
-4 different animals (only in FULL/TRIAL version not in LITE version). More will follow early next year.
-Local Backup/Restore system. Make multiple backups of your worlds to your local filesystem and restore them when your world gets lost or you want to go back in time. It can also be used to extend your world slot count.

-fixed crash on Windows Phone 8 due to missing extended mem flag.
-fixed crashes on Android/Amazon when game gets inactive and resuming.
-better handling of suspend actions on all platforms -> your worlds shouldn't get lost anymore when game becomes inactive. released/submitted

Dezember 22nd, 2013

Phew! Managing all these platforms is really a mess, because all of those little low-level differences between the platforms. But tonight I submitted the Windows 8 version which is the last one that has to be certified by the store provider. The Windows Phone and iOS versions have been submitted on thursday. I doubt that iOS and Windows versions will be available before christmas, but let's see. The last platform to be updated is XBox 360. I'll think I'm able to finish the update before the end of the year!

Merry christmas to all of you!!

Discovery released

Dezember 17th, 2013

A few days ago I have released FULL and LITE for Android. It is already available. Today I submitted it to Amazon. I'm currently finishing iOS, Windows 8 and Windows Phone ports and hope to submit them till the end of the week. I will write more about tomorrow

Test results ... not good enough!

Oktober 7th, 2013

2 issues:

1) performance bug with animals sometimes

2) Crash bug on Android on app resume

I hope to fix those until the week-end.

Update finished ... now testing!

September 30th, 2013

I'm currently testing the new update and hope to get it out for Google Paid users first!

If there are no complains about it, I will submit it to all other platforms.

What's next?

August 2nd, 2013
What's next?

For version I have added "FlatLand" terrain generator (see pic above) as well as the long awaited changeable seed. I will also try to add some animals.


Furthermore I'd like to encourage everyone to buy the game on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Thanks!


Get it here: Discovery on App Store

Discovery for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch released

Juli 26th, 2013

Discovery is now or soon available on Apple's App Store! YEAH!!

This version already contains the new control method. You'll need at least a device that has iOS 5.0 installed, so any updated iPhone 3GS, iPad 1 and iPod touch 3G should do it.

 I have chosen the lowest price tier for the initial release so everyone interested should get it quickly before I adapt the price to match the other stores.

You can support Discovery by spreading out the word about it to everyone you know.



Get it here: Discovery on App Store

New control method

Mai 27th, 2013

I've heard your cries for an alternative control scheme. So, I implemented it and I must admit that you were damn right with it!!! :)

The old gamepad like will still be available as an option, don't worry!


Mai 14th, 2013

A lot of people are reaching out for me asking when there will be updates and what they will contain.

To sum it up:

  1. Since I have a regular daytime job, it's hard to give a precise date when the next update will be released or what it will contain.
  2. There will be updates throughout the next years
  3. Typical schedule for mayor updates will be 1-3 months.
  4. For each mayor update you can expect big content/game mechanics improvements.
  5. I will give an announcement here around 2 weeks before an update will be released. So visit this page regularly.
  6. I'm currently setting up a forum where I'll try to introduce a dev diary and where you can make feature requests.

