
Mai 14th, 2013

A lot of people are reaching out for me asking when there will be updates and what they will contain.

To sum it up:

  1. Since I have a regular daytime job, it's hard to give a precise date when the next update will be released or what it will contain.
  2. There will be updates throughout the next years
  3. Typical schedule for mayor updates will be 1-3 months.
  4. For each mayor update you can expect big content/game mechanics improvements.
  5. I will give an announcement here around 2 weeks before an update will be released. So visit this page regularly.
  6. I'm currently setting up a forum where I'll try to introduce a dev diary and where you can make feature requests.



Discovery for Amazon Kindle Fire released

Mai 8th, 2013

Discovery is now available on Amazon Appstore!

As on Google Play, I created a free LITE version to check compatibility. I own a Android Tab with similar specs like the first Kindle Fire, so I expect fewer issues than the Google Play version.

Once again:  Please download it and share the word with your friends.


Discovery (Full)

Discovery LITE

Discovery for Android released

April 29th, 2013

Another day, another platform. :)

I'm proud to announce that Discovery is now available on Android!!!

To check compatibility and general playability I've created also a free LITE version that has only a few materials available. Please download it and share the word with your friends.


Discovery (Full)

Discovery LITE

Discovery+ (XBox360) Video Review

April 23rd, 2013
The guy from 'TheRedvBlueGaming' channel has done a really nice youtube review of "Discovery". Please check it out and leave him some nice comments.

New Discovery/Discovery+ Trailer

April 22nd, 2013

Since the old trailer has been out there for nearly one year, I have decided to put together a new trailer featuring 2 worlds from Pablo and Iain to show of what can be done with the current version of Discovery. There are a lot of interesting worlds in the world sharing system... damn, I have to provide a place where people can show and explain their creations in more detail. But for now, please enjoy the new trailer!

Discovery for XBox 360 released

April 19th, 2013

Slowly all work done in the last year finally ends in a product. The Xbox 360 version of Discovery is available here:


Check it out!

Therewill be another post regarding this release, so stay tuned.



Discovery for Windows 8 and Windows RT released

März 12th, 2013


This is a really pleasant news for me. Discovery has been released on the Windows Store and is available for all devices having access to the store. Unfortunately I had to disable the online CLOUD service for the moment since Microsoft decided to not make available the anonymous Windows Live ID for developers. So I have to reimplement the account system for Windows 8.

Nevertheless it is still a great product, especially on the bigger screen size with mouse and touch controls.

You can check it out here

http://apps.microsoft.com/windows/app/discovery/a4f3cffb-9324-4c05-9981-f7102e29d19a approved and published

März 12th, 2013

Version will be soon available in the Store. Have fun with it! has been approved

März 4th, 2013

Oooops! I noticed that I haven't mentioned the cancellation of and the submittance of as a replacement. This latter version has been approved a few minutes ago and will be available soon as an update. contains the previously mentioned memory optimizations, further bug fixes and fine tuned/enlarged visibility ranges.

Version also seems to be quite stable and ready for certification. If nothing happens in between, I will submit it at the week end. submitted for BETA

Februar 28th, 2013

version has been enabled to BETA testers and if they will not report any severe issues, I will submit it to Microsoft in the first week of March.

Memory optimization

Februar 23rd, 2013

I have just received a world from Pablo that is crashing due to the limits of triangles on a chunk (because of memory limits). I revisited the code to eliminate these limits and ... TADA!!!... I have found an extremly simple solution to save once again a massive 40% of memory for the WHOLE APP!!! This fixes the crash mentioned above as well as allowing me to finally run a full fledged version of discovery on 256MB devices and to even increase the visibility on better hardware.

Stay tuned! This is gonna be awesome :D submitted

Februar 17th, 2013

contains the performance improvements mentioned in previous post and further debug functionality. New additional terrain alogrithm

Februar 10th, 2013 New additional terrain alogrithm

As I stated in a previous post version will feature a new terrain algorithm which brings finally a simple form of biomes to the engine. There will be desert and snow as well as water. There are still a few things on the todo list ... so no concrete release date for now! Sry!

Another cool thing is that I managed to reduce polygon count by around 20% due fixing an invisible chunk-managing-bug (some chunks were drawn twice, without being noticeable). This should bring up the performance quite a bit! :)

Stay tuned!

Phone hardware

Februar 6th, 2013

I have noticed that some uploaded worlds have a really high polycount that will cause older Phone HW to be laggy. At the moment there's nothing I can do about it. 100000+ triangles are simply too much for 1st gen WP7s. Go get a WP8! ;) No just kidding... I will check if I can do some smart optimizations to get better framerates, but it will take some time to do so. passed certification

Februar 6th, 2013

Good news,

Discovery passed certification today and will be avail in a few hours.


-reduced memory consumption
-fixed pickaxe disapering from material belt

-changes for better debuging and finding errors
-reworked world conversion
-added periodic online check

I hope this will fix remaining issues. submitted, in the pipe

Februar 3rd, 2013

I have just submitted version after the previous fix has been rejected because of memory issues on low end 256 MB devices (those "things" were a really nice addition to the WP line ... NOT!!!!!). Well ... I looked through the code and found a line which I could slightly change and that saved around 30% of memory. Hopefully this version will be finally certified.

This memory consumption is urgently needed since I'll be also submitting version soon, which will bring a new terrain generation algorithm and some more materials. Will keep you informed when it's getting more concrete.

100000+ downloads, 1.4 fix

Dezember 26th, 2012

Hi everyone,

I'm proud to announce that my apps on Windows Phone and Auroris on iOS, together, have passed the 100000' downloads mark. Thanks to everyone for the great support and using my apps.

Furthermore I just wanted to inform you that I'm working on another bugfix release for Discovery 1.4 and also new features.

Problems with 1.4?

Dezember 16th, 2012

If anyone is experiencing problems with the 1.4, please get in contact with me:

therealjogo at gmx dot de


Discovery 1.4.1 submitted

Dezember 15th, 2012

this is a bugfix release. Will write more on this later.

Discovery 1.4 AVAILABLE

Dezember 14th, 2012
Discovery 1.4 AVAILABLE

I have finally published version 1.4 of Discovery. This has been the greatest step since the initial release. Version 1.4 adds a very intuitive Cloud system to the game, which allows you to backup/upload and share your worlds with other users. Vice-versa you can browse and download the worlds of other users. This is the most important step in realizing my original idea of making a game that is based on creativity.

Everyone having the full version will automatically get a cloud account that is bound to the Windows Live ID. So if you change your phone you will be able to instantly download worlds from your cloud account. Each cloud account will initially have 3 upload slots, with each one can be set to PRIVATE (backup functionality) or PUBLIC (public sharing) mode.

Your worlds will be tagged with your account id. So other users will be able to download and modify your world. But they will not be able to upload it to the cloud under their name. This will protect your "creative rights" on your work and furthermore avoid spaming the system with multiple slightly different versions of the same world by different users.

So 'nuf said! Go get it now!