WP7 Marketplace issues

Juni 8th, 2012
UPDATE: It's finally available! Get it!!

...hmm it seems that marketplace currently is limited to only a small number of apps that can be published each day.
windows phone 7 applications

That means: it can take a while until the update for Discovery will be available.

This means: I have to accelerate development for version 1.2. :)

Discovery 1.1 passed certification!

Juni 6th, 2012
Should be in the marketplace tomorrow.

Interview about "Discovery" on WinSource.com

Juni 3rd, 2012
Check it out and thanks to WinSource for giving me the opportunity to do that interview.

Interview at WinSource

Discovery 1.1

Juni 1st, 2012
submitted... finally! Should be available next friday or so!

MadPix Version 1.1, Aurora 1.5 and Discovery 1.1

Mai 31st, 2012
The new version 1.1 of MadPix is now available in the marketplace and contains a speed-up of ~15% compared to the previous version. Additionally there were some maintenance bugfixes. There will be an even much faster version in the near future.

For version 1.5 of Aurora I implemented a new glow algorithm with better quality implemented as well as other fixes. This new version is already submitted since last week and should also be certified soon.

Discovery 1.1 is still not failed (I have accidentally uploaded MadPix binary as update) :(

UPDATE: Aurora 1.5 has been certified and will be available in the next 24 hours.

Where is the update?

Mai 24th, 2012

Sorry guys!
I've accidentally uploaded the updated package of MadPix instead of Discovery!!! *grrrr* Thank god I always choose to manually publish the app to the Marketplace when it has passed certification. Nevertheless, the bad thing is, that Microsoft does not allow to break a submission process until it either passes or fails certification. That means the next time I can submit the correct package will be next week or so... :(

F...!! and sry again!

Version 1.1

Mai 9th, 2012
will be submitted on May, the 17th and will feature more blocks, the fix for the chunk loading lag and some further graphical improvements. It will be available in the week from 21th - 27th.

Working on next update

April 22nd, 2012
After version 1.0 has hit the market, I'm already working on the next version 1.1 that will again bring a good performance boost and make the game much smoother, especially when moving/flying around in the world while loading new parts of the world.

Furthermore this update will bring more content to the game, which I'm currently implementing. I will post more infos next week.

'Discovery' on 2nd gen phones

April 16th, 2012
Today I had the chance to test 'Discovery' on a Lumia 800. I was really amazed how fast it was. With all options maxed out it still had 50-60 FPS which is mainly the FPS cap of Mango. Together with the amazing OLED display it was totally different gameplay compared to my good old HTC HD7 with its 15 FPS @ same settings. I think I have to get a 2nd gen phone for 'testing' :)

Lag on Discovery ... fixed!

April 13th, 2012
2 users have reported that there is some kind of "lag" when building complex structures. I guess that is due to the light refresh in combination with torches. I will check this, but it will take some time. Furthermore I will add some world sharing functionality such that future bugs can be eliminated faster.

Stay tuned! :)

EDIT: ok i can reproduce the lag now. will provide fix soon!
EDIT2: just sent the fixed version to Microsoft for certification. Should be in the market in a week or so! Thx to Alex for helping me with this.

Trailer for Discovery

April 11th, 2012
here's a video featuring some gameplay of "Discovery"

get it here

" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> " /> " />

New game "Discovery" released for WP7

April 8th, 2012

After around 5 months in development, we're proud to announce that our new game "Discovery" has been released for Windows Phone 7. "Discovery" is a 3D block world game with focus on creation of buildings and atmosphere. Currently it is COMPLETLY FREE! So you should get it as soon as possible here


Auroris Version 1.3 submitted for verification

Oktober 30th, 2011
Guys... just finished version 1.3 of Auroris which adds glow to the image. I honestly must admit that it looks awesome on iPad!! I hope that it passes verification in the first try and that you will receive the update in a week or so.

MadPix and Aurora 1.4 arrive at the Marketplace

Oktober 22nd, 2011
Today "MadPix" and "Aurora" (with glow support) have arrived at the Marketplace. It may need some time to propagate to all markets. There's an image attached to demonstrate the new glow feature of Aurora and 2 pictures that have been done with MadPix. Get them now with these links and do some unbelievable things :)

MadPix - Zune Marketplace

Aurora - Zune Marketplace

Aurora for WP7 with glow support...

Oktober 17th, 2011
has been submitted for certification. It looks so damn hot :)

New App "MadPix" for WP7 has just been submitted for certification

Oktober 13th, 2011
Hopefully it passes certification before the weekend.

Windows Phone 7 now supports 32bit color

September 30th, 2011
Good news for everyone having Aurora on WP7. WP7 now supports 32bit rendering and thus we can finally finish the next version of Aurora supporting the glow feature. Stay tuned!

Updated Auroris to 1.2

September 6th, 2011
Update: Version 1.2 is now available at the AppStore and also the downloaded version works on my iPod touch 2G.

A further compatibility update for Auroris has been submitted to the AppStore. It has been tested on an iPod touch 2G with iOS 4.2.1. So this one should finally enable running Auroris on older devices. I expect the update to be available for download around next tuesday.

Update Auroris

August 23rd, 2011
A compatibility update for Auroris has been released. This should enable starting Auroris on older devices and fix the crash of the save-functionality on some devices.

Auroris available at the App Store for iPhone/iPod/iPad

August 10th, 2011

After some name conflicts with another app on the App Store I had to rename Aurora to Auroris. But ... I'm quite happy to announce that Auroris has passed the review in its first try and should be available in the App Store in the next 24 hours. So everyone get ready to download it and try it out. IT'S FREE!!!

Auroris on Apple App Store