Delayed again...

Dezember 7th, 2012

I have just found a bug with the file saving system. That's the reason why I cannot publish the update yet. A fixed version is already submitted. Should be there around next week-end.

Discovery 1.4 passed certification

Dezember 5th, 2012

I will do some additional testing and release it on Friday to the Windows Store.

Discovery 1.4 - part 4

November 28th, 2012

Development is finished. YEAH!

Now it's time to update marketplace infos and assets. After that I will submit the app for certification and do some extensive beta testing in concurrency.


Discovery 1.4 - part 3

November 19th, 2012
Ok. 5 Tasks on the ToDo list left!

Discovery 1.3.1.

November 4th, 2012
I have just submitted version 1.3.1 of Discovery which is a maintenance release in order to make Discovery compatible with Windows Phone 8 memory requirements. Furthermore I have fixed the crash bugs with TNT.

kkkk .... k

Oktober 30th, 2012
my wife and me have moved to a new home and everything slowly starts to become normal again... time to get productive!!!

Discovery 1.4 - part 2

Oktober 9th, 2012
UPDATE (10/17/2012): I have finished the upload/download from the cloud storage but there are some additional error cases to be handled correctly in order to have a smooth user experience. Unfortunately, I will not have the time to handle those things in the next 2 weeks since I will move to a new home at this week end. The next release date for 1.4 is set around first week of November.

But ... I think the update will justify the long waiting time.

I plan to finish the update till the end of the week.

Discovery 1.4 - part 1

September 23rd, 2012
Discovery 1.4 - part 1
Found some time to make progress on Discovery 1.4. Could speed up lighting algorithm by factor 3 and additionally add smooth lighting for artificial lighting (torches, glowstone)

Aurora 1.6 submitted

September 9th, 2012
I have enhanced quality of saved pictures dramatically, such that one can experience much more detail when saving in high resolution.


September 7th, 2012
Version 1.3 available!!!! Hope you enjoy it!!

Current progress...

August 22nd, 2012
currently it's summer here in germany and that's why everything is going a little slower than normal. There are some parties and weddings to attend :) Besides of that, I'm planning moving my home.

For the next update I'll try to implement a cloud backup solution to store the worlds and to add another terrain generator.


Discovery 1.3 failed ... fixed version resubmitted

August 22nd, 2012
After 3 weeks Microsoft has failed version 1.3 because of an out-of-memory exception on devices with only 256MB RAM (e.g. Lumia 610). I've already submitted a fixed version. Hopefully that one will get tested faster... Sorry!


August 4th, 2012
I had to submit version 1.2 because otherwise I couldn't submit the 1.3 update. There's also no possiblity to delete an update. Hmm, I think Microsoft is missing something here...

But what's the problem?

I have found out early after submission, that under some circumstances, 1.2 may corrupt your savegames. That's why I have submitted 1.3 instantly after 1.2 and that's why I strongly advise against updating 1.1 to 1.2.

Version 1.3 has been submitted 2 days ago, so only around 5 days to wait for....

Discovery 1.3

Juli 27th, 2012
UPDATE: 1.2 has passed review, but I will not put it into marketplace. Instead I have uploaded version 1.3 for certification that should finally fix all save bugs and some graphical issues introduced with 1.2.


Because 1.2 didn't really fixed the broken save (which only occurs when you leave the game by pressing windows home button or search button) I will submit version 1.3 as soon as possible where it should be finally fixed.

Version 1.2 submitted

Juli 24th, 2012
Version 1.2 submitted
...for certification.
I have furthermore fixed the save bug that occured when you left the game by starting another app or going to windows phone start screen and Discovery will fall out of the task list.
Ah ... and the new price is 1.49 ... EDIT: Save bug has not been fixed. :( But with 1.3 :)

Version 1.2 nearly done, features, price increase

Juli 24th, 2012
Version 1.2 nearly done, features, price increase
I just finished the fences and doors algorithm. Tomorrow I will do some basic testing and fine-tuning and then I'll submit this version for certification. Up, there's an image showing what you can expect from the update.
You'll get:
  • (Double) Doors
  • Fences
  • Stairs
  • Slopes
  • a few other materials
Except the newly added features I ...
  • increased the trial period to 30 minutes
  • fixed the previously introduced screenshot-bug. Now we're back on High-Def screenshots (1600x900).
  • fixed the nasty fall-through-world-bug by having completly rewritten the character controller. This one is also less sensitive for auto-jumping.
I think you'll like it :)


Stay tuned!

Cheers Joachim

Some in-game pics

Juli 20th, 2012
Some in-game pics
Some in-game pics
Some pics... Thx to Alex!!

Short break...

Juli 8th, 2012
Short break...
I will be on holidays for one week from tuesday on. Unfortunately I didn't manage to finish the update in time to submit it to microsoft. That means the update will be delayed until 23rd of july. Sorry for that! Above you can see doors, slopes and stairs in action.

Update progress and price increase...

Juni 26th, 2012
I'm making good progress on the update. The reworked character controller and some new block types are already finished. I think I'm able to submit version 1.2 to Microsoft in the first week of july.

Everyone who wants to buy Discovery should do it now, since I will increase the price to 1.49$/€ with the next update.

Will post some screenshots by the end of this week.

Stay tuned!

Discovery 1.2

Juni 12th, 2012
For the next update I will enhance the collision/physics engine to handle more interesting objects than blocks. There will be doors, fences, stairs, slopes and perhaps even more materials. Furthermore this should fix the nasty bug of falling through the world sometimes.

I try to submit the update around the end of june.